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Where is my MouthShield Shipment?

We are a small business, please be patient. We ship out MouthShields typically within 2-3 business days from when you placed your order. From there the USPS shipment can take anywhere from another 3-7 business days depending on your location.

What is the return policy if the MouthShield isn't working for me?

Unfortunately, due to the nature of the product which doesn't allow us to resell returned MouthShields, we are unable to offer any refund for any reason.

Where is the MouthShield made?

Right here in the frozen tundra, Minnesota, USA!

What are best practices to help me use the MouthShield most effectively?

Download the Tips for Success

Can the MouthShield be used with a night guard or retainer?

Yes it can! The MouthShield sits gently in between your teeth and lips so it can be used in conjuction with a night guard or retainer. In fact our founder uses it everyday along with their teeth grinding mouth guard.

How long will the MouthShield last?

The MouthShield is made from 100% medical grade silicone rubber which is very durable. With proper use and cleaning, it should last quite a long time, at least a year.

What if the MouthShield feels too big for me?

The MouthShield will feel large when you first start using it. Use it for a week before you do any trimming. Only trim one segment at a time. It is more likely to fall out of your mouth if you trim it too much.

How big is the MouthShield?

The MouthShield is 1.5” high by 3.75” wide. This is large enough to stay in front of your teeth and continue to block air flow even if you mouth is partially open.

Can the MouthShield be used to treat Obstructive Sleep Apnea?

No, the MouthShield is designed to only prevent mouth breathing.

Can the MouthShield prevent snoring?

As previously stated, the MouthShield is designed only to prevent mouth breathing. It may be possible that it will reduce your snoring, but this has not been reviewed or verified in a clinical setting. In caution, the MouthShield should only be used if you are confident that your nasal passages and airway to the lungs will remain open.

Can I use the MouthShield if I don’t use a CPAP?

Yes, absolutely! It can complement other products that are designed to keep the nasal passages open.

Will the MouthShield prevent “dry mouth” when using a nasal mask?

Yes. Dry mouth is caused by air passing through the mouth when the lips are not totally closed. The MouthShield will block this airflow that would otherwise go past the lips.

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